Shower Anywhere | 5 DIY Portable Camping Shower Solutions

Hely Y’all!

Imagine finishing a day of hiking in the wilderness, feeling the need for a shower, but you’re far from any plumbing. Worry not! Here’s a guide to 5 different ways to create your backcountry shower using nature’s resources.

1. Suds and Sunshine: Crafting Your Own Portable Shower


  • Natural Frame
  • Privacy Screen
  • Secure Fasteners

How To:

  1. Natural Frame: Explore the wilderness to find sturdy branches or saplings, approximately 10 feet in length. These will form the foundational structure for your outdoor shower.
  2. Privacy Screen: Gather large, durable leaves or a lightweight tarp from your surroundings. This will provide both privacy and a touch of luxury to your backcountry spa.
  3. Secure Fasteners: Utilize vines or paracord, naturally available in the environment, to secure the privacy screen to the natural frame. This step ensures your outdoor shower is not just functional but also blends seamlessly with its surroundings.
  4. Assembling Your Spa: Attach the privacy screen to the natural frame using the secured fasteners, creating a leafy curtain. Voila! Your Suds and Sunshine backcountry spa is now ready, offering a touch of wilderness luxury.

2. Shower Thoughts: Building a Portable Outdoor Oasis


  • Flexible Frame
  • Water Reservoir
  • Showerhead
  • Secure Fasteners

How To:

  1. Flexible Frame: Source bendable branches or vines, approximately 5 feet long, to create a flexible and dynamic shower frame. Nature’s own yoga instructors are ready to guide you.
  2. Water Reservoir: Carry a cleanable plastic bag or bladder to store the water for your outdoor shower. Nature’s abundance is ready to be harnessed.
  3. Showerhead: Repurpose a water bottle by creating a small hole in the cap. This DIY showerhead connects you to the rainclouds above, blurring the line between the natural and the improvised.
  4. Secure Fasteners: Use vines or paracord from your surroundings to secure the flexible frame and water reservoir. This step ensures your portable oasis is both functional and resilient.
  5. Assembling Your Oasis: Attach the water-filled bag to the flexible frame and let nature serenade you with an improvised showerhead. Your Shower Thoughts oasis is ready to provide a refreshing experience under the celestial canvas.

3. Off-the-Grid Hygiene Hack: The Witty Wanderer’s Outdoor Shower


  • Natural Frame
  • Privacy Screen
  • Secure Fasteners

How To:

  1. Natural Frame: Discover sturdy branches or saplings, approximately 10 feet long, to form the foundation of your outdoor shower. Nature’s plumbing is your guide in the wild.
  2. Privacy Screen: Gather large, durable leaves or a lightweight tarp to create a privacy screen. This touch of privacy adds a hint of humor and practicality to your backcountry shower.
  3. Secure Fasteners: Use vines or paracord to drape the leaves or tarp over the natural frame, securing it in place. Your Witty Wanderer’s Outdoor Shower is now complete, offering a secure and personalized space in the heart of the wild.

4. Showering Al Fresco: The Backpacker’s Essential DIY Project


  • Compact Frame
  • Water Reservoir
  • Spray Nozzle

How To:

  1. Compact Frame: Find short, lightweight branches or trekking poles, around 3 feet long, to create a compact and minimalist shower frame. Less is more in the wilderness.
  2. Water Reservoir: Carry a collapsible water container or a cleanable plastic bag to store the water for your shower. Embrace the beauty of simplicity in the wild.
  3. Spray Nozzle: Attach a hollow plant stem or a small tube to create a spray nozzle. This minimalist approach transforms your shower into a refreshing mist, capturing the essence of nature’s gentle touch.
  4. Assembling Your Essential Project: Set up your compact frame, attach the water source, and enjoy a refreshing mist. The Backpacker’s Essential DIY Project emphasizes simplicity and functionality in the wilderness.

5. Showering Under the Stars: A DIY Portable Oasis


  • Natural Frame
  • Water Container

How To:

  1. Natural Frame: Select sturdy branches or saplings, approximately 10 feet long, to create a celestial shower frame. These elements become an archway to the stars in your outdoor oasis.
  2. Water Container: Use a large, flat leaf or a broad piece of bark as a water container, capturing the magic of the cosmos. This celestial basin is ready to hold the essence of the night.
  3. Assembling Your Oasis: Assemble your natural frame, placing the leaf or bark at the bottom. Let starlight guide your evening shower, creating a celestial affair that transcends the ordinary. Your Showering Under the Stars experience is complete.

Water Drainage Tips:

When you’re out in the wild, dreaming of a refreshing shower, fear not—nature provides. Whatever shower option you come choose, remember this golden rule: good drainage is the name of the game. Whether you’re keeping it simple or aiming for something a little bit more complex, nailing proper water drainage ensures your off-the-grid shower won’t turn into a mud wrestling match.

  1. Choose an Inclined Area: Position your shower setup over an inclined area, allowing water to naturally flow away.
  2. Dig a Trench: If the ground isn’t naturally sloped, dig a small, shallow trench to direct water away from your shower space.
  3. Well-Draining Soil: Opt for locations with well-draining soil to prevent muddy mishaps.
  4. Angled Leaves or Tarp: Angle the leaves or tarp to direct water away and avoid creating a mud bath.

Crafting your backcountry shower is a celebration of ingenuity. Spot sturdy branches or saplings, and embrace the simplicity of privacy screens and improvised showerheads. In the wild, your shower becomes a dance with nature.

This condensed guide ensures your backcountry spa is both practical and poetic. Your feedback is valuable to me, so feel free to share any thoughts or additional suggestions to further enhance your camping adventures!

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